Emergency First Aid

Students will learn how to apply lifesaving Emergency First Aid to medical encounters until First Responders arrive on the scene.


Health Care-Violent Patient Management

This program is centred around helping officers provide client care to patients in crisis while maintaining an environment that is safe for healthcare staff, the public and the officer.



This federally and provincially compliant course is crucial for individuals who work with or are in close proximity to hazardous materials in the workplace.


Fire Extinguisher Training

This course introduces students to the various types of fire extinguishers, their proper discharge and the techniques for using them based on the Fire Classification System.


Bear Aware

This course is essential for any worker who may experience human-wildlife encounters. It provides students with lifesaving information about bear behaviour, as well as safety protocols and procedures for various circumstances.


OFA Level 1

This Occupational Level 1 course is designed to empower workers with the life-saving skills required to establish and maintain a safe work or home environment.


H2S Alive

This is a mandatory certification for individuals in the oil and gas industry which covers drilling, exploration, construction, maintenance, processing and heavy oil sands operations.


Drug Recognition & Protocols

This course teaches students the fundamentals of handling narcotics according to Health Canada and the CDSA, as well as dealing with and treating impaired individuals until authorities arrive on the scene.


Mental Health & Suicide Awareness

This course helps students be better equipped to help individuals struggling with mental health, suicidal thoughts or self-harm.


Violence In The Workplace-Awareness

This course teaches students the in-depth understanding of violence in any workplaves. Most people only think of violence as a physical act. However, workplace violence is a much broader issue. Violence includes, but is not limited to the following behaviours


Mental Health: Awareness In The Workplace

The objective of this course is to bring mental health awareness to workplaces


Musculoskeletal Disorders 

Preventing musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) is one of the best health and
safety investments you can make. Workplace musculoskeletal injuries are the
most frequent lost-time injuries and the largest single source of lost-time
costs in the workers’ compensation system across Canada


Naloxane Training 

This course will teach you how to tell when somebody is overdosing, and how to respond with your Take Home Naloxone kit.